As we continue our study of Ancient Egypt in The Story of the World, our activities have become more and more interesting to the boys. The two pictures (above and below) are of the boys writing on their "Heiroglyphic Scrolls". We had a guide to heiroglyphics and the boys did their absolute best copying them to create a message. As you can see, they are working hard. For those of you who know me, art is my Achille's heel (I'm sure we will learn about him later). Anyway, I am proud that we even attempt art projects since I am so inept in this area and am even more proud when they turn out great. Read the next post to see how their works of "Heiroglyphic Art" turned out!! There is really nothing particularly special to tell you about this picture. I just saw Carter working hard on his penmanship practice one day and with the light shining through the blinds and him working so hard, I felt a wave of pride sweep over me and just wanted to share it with you all!!
C.M.S. Academy is the name of our homeschool. We officially began our school in August 2007. This blog is to enable our family and friends to see our school activities as we participate in them!!
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