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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Here is Carter with his completed Hieroglyphic scroll. He chose to pain random letters instead of his name or some sort of message. As you can see, he is particularly proud of his creation. As for the hoodie, that is the "Shawn White" jacket that we have been unable to keep off of him since we purchased it. He is also particularly proud of that jacket!!
Here is Cooper's Heiroglyphic scroll. Cooper chose to write his name in heiroglyphics and even though it is upside down, you can see a little of it, right?
Here are the boys Heiroglyphic Scrolls and their clay tablet with Cuneiform writing of their names. Carter completed his cuneiform (from our guide) with no help at all. Cooper needed a little help using the wedge that we used to carve the symbols. The boys though it was so cool that they got to "write like an Egyptian". We should totally make a video and use that as our song. HAHAHA!
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