On a recent trip to our hometown of Spartanburg (Sparkle City), we visited the newly constructed Chapman Cultural Center. Boy, were we surprised!! It had all kinds of great information about the history of Spartanburg as well as a great new Science Center!! Here is Cooper, in the Spartanburg History Museum with some "artifacts" from early Spartanburg history. This was a great trip for us because we had just discussed Archaeologists and artifacts. Here is Carter with the microfilm machine. The paper on the microfilm was from the early 1900's and Carter was simply amazed that they had paper from "way back then" that you could read. We have a lot to learn still:) Here we are in theSpartanburg Science Center. This was a great exhibit. We scanned these cards with fruits, veggies and no so good for you stuff (which are supposed to be what the person eats) and the person on the screen reflected our choices. If you look hard, our person was struggling, because the boys were feeding her french fries and bacon. It is a great way to learn about the food pyramid, though!!
C.M.S. Academy is the name of our homeschool. We officially began our school in August 2007. This blog is to enable our family and friends to see our school activities as we participate in them!!
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