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Tony bought us a croquet and bocce ball set after Thanksgiving. The boys really like bocce ball (they had played it before) and we all LOVE croquet. Tony and I are really competitive and these games are great for "friendly" competition!! It has been so warm this month that we really got a lot of great use of the games. It has been really great for us as a family. I am posting this link here because I think that knowing the rules for croquet can count as educational, right? I hope so!!
The boys and I took a field trip to the Chatham County Garden Center and Botanical Gardens as to try and complete some of the requirements for the Georgia State Parks Junior Ranger Program. Here are the boys clowining around in the beautiful gardens!!
Recently, a friend of ours, Jim Maier passed away. Jim's favorite color was yellow. Tony has been wearing yellow to work a lot lately and as I was taking pictures at the gardens, I was struck at how much yellow was in the garden that day. I was taking pictures of different trees and flowers and this one just struck my fancy. Notice how vibrant the yellow is! What a great reminder to be thankful for the simple things in our lives!!
Well, if this is not the cutest kid on the block, I don't know who is. This is not a posed photo. I asked Carter to turn around and as I shot the picture, this is the shot! HOW CUTE IS HE? This leaf was collected off of the ground to keep for our Junior Ranger stuff. Notice the yellow again!!
There was a beautiful (and in bloom) Rose Garden at the back of the gardens. The picture at the left does not do it justice. It was filled with rows and rows of roses (say that three times fast). Walking around the gardens in that area, you could just smell "rose". I am not a fan of fake rose smells like in lotions and perfumes, but I love fresh roses and their smell. I also love love love the Rose Petal Ice Cream from Leopold's in Savannah! O.k., off topic, but it really is great!!
O.k., so I know that Barbie is in a bit of an odd position and situation here (with no clothes on and all), but this was a great learning opportunity and I was not about to pass that up for the modesty of a doll. As you know by previous posts, we are studying Ancient Egyptians and mummies in our history and geography text, The Story of the World. Our activity book said that we should mummify a chicken, but I was really scared about the smell of that. So, I was wondering what was the closest thing we had, that looked like a person, that was in our house and that we could mummify. I came up with . . . Barbie!!
Cooper was not to sad to give up one of the two Barbie's that he owns for his educational advancement. O.k., he did not say it that way. It was more like, "We're going to make my Barbie a mummy? Awesome!". So, after rubbing Barbie with our "spice rub" to preserve her, Carter and Cooper pretended to take out her vital organs and place them in canopic jars and began wrapping Barbie in her shroud of linen (helped along by some plaster of paris).
The boys took turns and wrapped Barbie very gently, making sure to cover all of her extremeties individually. Oddly enough, her hair was the hardest part to wrap. I guess, had she been in a house full of girls, she would have had no hair by now, but lucky for her, she lived with boys. In this picture, Carter is wrapping Barbie's hair. I don't really know if the Ancient Egyptians cut off the hair or left it and wrapped over it. The boys asked this question and I have been meaning to look it up and calm their thirst for this knowledge. Well, they're not really thirsting. They asked because they wanted to cut off her hair because it would be easier and I said that I did not remember the Egyptians cutting off the hair and I wanted us to mummify Barbie as close to the "real" way as possible. HA!
Our finished mummy.
R.I.P. Barbie - she sacrificed her life for the sake of her owner's education. Barbie - the selfless doll.
As we continue to work through Story of the World for our History and Geography text, we are doing some really great activities. We are continuing to study the Ancient Egyptians and now we are moving on to mummies. The Ancient Egyptians used oil and spices to preserve the bodies of the dead. Here, Carter and Cooper are making their own "spice rub" as we have affectionately come to call it for our "mummy". Our "rub" consisted of vegetable oil, cinnamon, ginger, and basil! MMMM . . . the smell of . . . !!
Here is our final "spice rub" concoction. It really did smell very good. I don't think the boys really understood how just spices could keep a body from decomposing and smelling bad, even though the concoction smelled good. However, in December, we are going to make a pomander for Christmas and I will bring their minds back to the Ancient Egyptians and how they also used spices to preserve!! Wow . . . even oranges can link back to a discussion on Ancient Egypt!!
O.k., so we are going to call this picture "The Halloween That Never Happened". These are Carter and Cooper's $20 & $25 Halloween costumes. I spent $20 on Cooper's Transformer "Bumble Bee" costume and I spent $25 on Carter's Obi Wan Kenobi costume. I am happy to buy Halloween costumes because I know that one day, I will no longer have to buy them and I will miss that time in my children's lives. However . . . see below.
When I have to buy a $25 Obi Wan Kenobi Halloween Costume for a child that then had his trick or treating taken away from him because he had been so disobedient, I loath spending that kind of money. I loathe spending that kind of money on an costume that was worn for these pictures only and then ended up in the dress up bin in our playroom. While we felt terrible for taking the priviledge of trick or treating away from Carter, it was the only thing that we could take away that would have been "big" enough to make up for his terrible behavior. Anyway, Carter had no trick or treating and we felt guilty the entire night. Cooper did and he had a great time doing it! Please take a good look at both of these pictures so that we can at least get a little of our money's worth on the Obi Wan Kenobi costume. THANKS!
I recently took the pictures above as I have really been trying to appreciate the beautiful things in life and take more than a few seconds to enjoy these things of beauty. I know that this is a homeschool blog, but a terrible tragedy has happened recently in our lives and I would like to take this time to remind all of you to take a minute and appreciate those things that God has given you. Appreciate your family, appreciate your friends and appreciate life in general.
As many of you already know, Jim Maier, a friend and business associate of Tony was struck and killed on the side of I-95 on October 14, 2008. Also, as many of you know, Tony was a witness to this horrific accident. Jim's family has been going through a very hard time. Please pray for Jim's family as well as for Tony during the next few months. Please take a few minutes to read the article written about him in the local papers.