In addition to going to see King Tut during our time in Atlanta (see previous post), we went to see the Terracotta Army of Emporer Qin. The exhibit was at the High Museum in Atlanta. Cooper did not want to come to the museum, so he stayed at Aunt Traci's with his nanney. Carter and I were really grateful to have a day together to explore. Here is an example of one of the Terra Cotta Warriors. You could not take any pictures inside the exhibit - just like King Tut - so we took as many pictures as possible before getting inside!!
The Warriors inside were much taller than this. Carter and I took the audio tour and learned that each warrior was 6 and 1/2 feet tall, not including the platform that they stand on. As you all know, I would be lucky to be 5 and 1/2 feet tall, so this cardboard example is not a good representation of the size of the "real" Warriors.
Carter was really impressed with the exhibit. He loved the audio tour. He walked around punching in the numbers on the exhibit to his audio device and listening to the tour guide. We learned through our studies at home that each Warrior had individually distinct facial features. We also learned through our studies that each Warrior had different armor and hair styles to show their rank in the Army. Carter and I were really impressed with the detail of each Warrior. Carter even said how "cool" it was to see so many of the things that we had read about!!
The story of the Terracotta Army is a very interesting one. Carter, Cooper and I studied Ancient China for history and geography and we read several books on the First Emporer and his Terracotta Army. The Magic Tree House series has a book called Day of the Dragon King that we read that tells of the Terracotta Army. If you would like more information about the Terracotta Army, you can find it here.
I love that picture of Carter!
Hi! I'm so glad you came across my blog! We actually got married in Columbus becuase that's where I'm from. We currently live in Savannah and there are so many great places for weddings here. We will eventually be moving to Columbus though. There's a Savannah website that has a long list of venues. I will try to find it.
Hi! Can you send me your email so I can add you to the newsletter list...I didn't see it in your Blogger profile,
:) Carisa
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