The picture on the top is Carter and Cooper on their first day of Kingdom Builders Co-op 2007 and the picture on the bottom is Carter and Cooper on their first day of Kingdom Builders Co-op 2008. As you can see, they have grown tremendously. Carter is now in 2nd grade at co-op and Cooper is in Kindergarten. Carter, our resident BIG BOY requested "skate shoes" to start school in this year, and as you can see, he wore them on the first day of school.
Carter is studying the Election in co-op this year. They will not be delving into the politics of the election, just the process. The will be voting on different ice creams as their candidates. They will campaign and debate on their particular choice. How creative!! Carter is taking two clubs in the afternoon (1) Art and (2) Lego / Board Games. Cooper's class will be studying their ABC's and math in the morning and will be doing a study of countries in the afternoon. The first thing Cooper said when I picked him up from his class (as he was wearing a macaroni necklace) was, "Mom, Italians like pasta". I was impressed!! He also knew where Italy was on the globe!! WOW!!
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