Tony is such a great dad. Carter wanted nothing to do with feeding the Lorikeets. So, Tony got two birds on him and then coaxed Carter over to hold the nectar. He was still a little scared, but he liked it! O.k., here is our second (of three) peeks at animal parts during this visit to the zoo. The boys and I were totally entranced with the baby chimpanzee breastfeeding. The baby would nurse and then walk away and then come back over and nurse some more. It was fascinating. See below for description! We all thought that it was really neat that the bird above was named Cooper's Hawk. Cooper made sure that I took a picture so that he could show everyone that he had his "own" hawk. We always knew he was special!
C.M.S. Academy is the name of our homeschool. We officially began our school in August 2007. This blog is to enable our family and friends to see our school activities as we participate in them!!
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