Isn't this funny? This bird was sitting on top of a roof sunning himself and I had to take a picture. He looked like he was trying to flash us!! That's what was in my mind, anyway!! This was not the only peek we got at animal parts on this day. See the GIRAFFES post:) HAHAHAHA!
Tony, Cooper and Carter having a great day at the zoo. We all love it when we can spend more time with Daddy! The boys really liked the elephants. They can now tell you that African Elephants have ears that are shaped like Africa and that you can tell the difference between African and Asian Elephants using their ear shape!! Here are Carter and Cooper with the Jacksonville Zoo Mascot, Jazoo! Our two monkeys with one big ape!
C.M.S. Academy is the name of our homeschool. We officially began our school in August 2007. This blog is to enable our family and friends to see our school activities as we participate in them!!
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