In addition to losing more than one tooth since Christmas, this cute, little snaggle-tooth kid and I have been working on a lot of school related stuff during January and February. We started back to co-op in January and Carter's group has been studying BIOMES!! We began studying the Arctic Tundra which has been really fun. We have learned about the weather and animals of the Arctic Tundra as well as the people who live in these frozen tundras. We learned about the Inuit people. Carter was fascinated by this group and we read a lot of books about them and watched some educational videos on Discovery Streaming about the Inuit and their lands.
As you can see, we are in the process of building an igloo in honor of our studies about the Inuit people. We have begun building our igloo with sugar cubes and icing. We can only build the igloo two rows at a time because we have to allow the icing to dry. Each row of "ice" must go in towards the center a little more each time and stability is an issue if we try to complete more than one row at a time. When we complete the igloo, I will post the picture here.